Dear Iowa Law Alumni and Friends:
Since 1865, this law school has been training excellent lawyers for Iowa and the nation. This fall, we are announcing a new capital campaign for the University of Iowa and the College of Law. It is exciting news because we have a lot to show for past gifts by generous donors.
Our core competencies have remained steady—we continue to invest in a strong faculty and excellent students. In recent years, we have also developed new initiatives. Our investment in the “Writing Law School” concept has been particularly gratifying. This idea, which began organically, has include a renewed focus on our world-class legal writing faculty, our four student-edited law journals, a revamped writing and academic success center, and several new writing and drafting courses. The concept’s success is reflected in strong bar passage numbers this year and record numbers of judicial clerkships for our graduates. Students are also benefiting from a substantial investment in environmental law. A large gift to create the Hubbell Environmental Law Initiative has given new meaning to a favorite Iowa quotation, “if you build it, they will come.”
We continue to have a strong platform in the Iowa Law School Foundation. The Foundation is independent but works closely with the UI Center for Advancement to support the College of Law. We are lucky to have both organizations working hard to help build investments in our wonderful law school.
With gratitude,
Kevin Washburn
N. William Hines Dean and Professor of Law