Iowa Student Bar Association

Student Resources
Academic Success Program (ASP)
The College's Academic Success Program ("ASP") helps students hone the academic skills necessary to succeed in law school. ASP serves all law students, with a special emphasis on helping first-year students transition from successful undergraduate careers to the unique challenge of law study. ASP offers programs on legal study skills and exam-taking, as well as providing students access to other resources to support their academic skills. In the spring semester, ASP offers a small-group workshop series for first-year students.
Individual Appointments
Students may request individual appointments with Dawn Anderson, professor of Legal Analysis Writing & Research and Director of the Writing & Academic Success Center. Students can discuss academic-related questions or concerns with Professor Anderson. She helps law students consider effective strategies in areas such as reading efficiently, preparing for class, taking effective notes, outlining, time and stress management, preparing for exams, and exam review strategies. In addition, she can refer students to campus and community resources when appropriate.
Students can make an appointment by e-mailing dawn-r-anderson@uiowa.edu or by booking an appointment here.
Many resources are available to Iowa law students through the Writing & Academic Success Center ICON site https://uiowa.instructure.com/courses/154806. Current Iowa law students can access workshops Professor Anderson has offered, reviews of law school guide books, links to study aids the library has subscribed to, writing resources, and more.
Academic Success Program
The University of Iowa College of Law
480 Boyd Law Building
Iowa City, IA 52242
Or, reach out by e-mail to law-writingcenter@uiowa.edu
Disability & Reasonable Accommodations
The University of Iowa College of Law (COL or Iowa Law) strives to ensure that all programs, services, and activities offered by and within the COL are accessible to all students and recognizes that students with disabilities may require reasonable accommodations.
Students may request an accommodation for a disabling condition after acceptance into Iowa Law. Reasonable accommodations are determined on a prospective, case-by-case basis.
Any student seeking accommodation for a disability should contact Student Services by email at Rene-Arps@uiowa.edu to begin the interactive process as soon as possible. Meetings can be arranged in-person, through a Zoom virtual meeting, or by telephone.
Accommodations Application Process
- During an initial meeting, we will review all Policies for Students with Disabilities, and the process to request accommodations, including any required medical documentation.
- Student will complete the eligibility form and a provider’s recommendation form.
- Requests are reviewed as soon as possible.
- Students are notified of approved accommodations via email and invited to meet with the Associate Dean to address questions and get assistance securing accommodations.
- Approved exam accommodations typically require a minimum of two weeks to implement.
Temporary Injuries
Students with temporary injuries such as bone fractures, concussion, or surgery recovery may contact the Associate Dean of Students to discuss receiving disability accommodations on a temporary basis.
Accessible Transit and Transportation
University of Iowa ADA Coordinator
Visit the ISBA Bookstore website for more information and the latest legal texts, supplements and Iowa Law apparel. Online orders available.
The EFJ Bookstore is located right across the street from the Boyd Law Building at 315 Melrose. Hours and appointment information can be found on the EFJ Bookstore page.
Citizen Lawyer Program
The Citizen Lawyer Program exists to advance Iowa Law's teaching and service missions. It is a teaching platform for students to develop the knowledge, values, and skills that are central to law as a professional calling. By offering a wide variety of opportunities for pro bono work, community service, and programs about legal issues, skills, and values, CLP extends students' education beyond the classroom while engaging them directly in the College's mission of public service.
Classroom Technology
Classroom Technology offers numerous services to students, faculty, and staff for instructional purposes at The University of Iowa College of Law.
•Recording Classes, Skill Exercises, Special Events and Other Projects
•Training on Portable and Installed Educational Technology Equipment
•Training on Public Address Systems
•Video and Sound Equipment for Special Events
Recording Classes and Events
Subject to the College of Law's General Policy on Recording Classes for Students, Video Operations (VO) may video record classes, skill exercises, and events for students. Students must comply with their instructors' or organizations' policies and with VO procedures for requesting and using this service to assure proper, effective use of service. Recordings are available until the Professor removes access.
The Classroom Technology department also has several "Flip" cameras available for checkout for Law Events and Classes. To check out cameras, visit the staff in room 216 or e-mail us.
Class Recordings Using Panopto (UI Capture)
UI Capture is supported by Learning Spaces Technology (LST) group. UI Capture recordings are made by student volunteers enrolled in the course and every class is recorded unless otherwise requested by the Professor. Panopto recordings are available online here. For more information on Accessing Panopto Courses, see this handout.
Please note, some professors do not allow recording of their class and other restrict access to their recordings until you have obtained their permission. Please consult your course syllabus for additional information on your Professor's recording policy.
Classroom Technology
By E-mail: law-help@uiowa.edu
Walk-In: 216 Boyd Law Building
Phone: (319) 335-6051
The Judicial Clerkship Committee
The Judicial Clerkship Committee consists of faculty members and Career Services personnel charged with assisting students with the clerkship application process and providing advice about judicial clerkships.
The Clerkship Committee maintains an array of resources for students and engages in active outreach efforts. Students considering a judicial clerkship should make an appointment with a member of the Judicial Clerkship Committee.
Judicial Clerkship Listserv
Are you interested in a judicial clerkship? Then join the Judicial Clerkship Listserv. Email AJ Finch to subscribe.
Additional resources
- Symplicity
- Judicial Yellow Book (Leadership Law Premium)
- Vermont Law School Judicial Clerkship Guide (contact career services for login information)
Costs and Financial Aid Information
Information for Costs and Financial Aid can be found here. For a step-by-step guide of how to apply for Financial Aid, see here.
Additional Financial Aid Resources:
- Billing and Payment Options
- Student Budget Calculator
- Current Financial Aid Recipients: Impact of student withdrawal refund
- Tuition and Fee Responsibility for Students Who Drop Course(s) or Withdraw Entire Registration
- Understanding Your Student Loans
- Financial Literacy Services
Office of Financial Aid
University of Iowa College of Law
276 Boyd Law Building
Iowa City, IA 52242-1113
Courses and Curriculum
After completing the set of required first-year courses, students at Iowa plan their own courses of study from a rich menu of mainstream, specialized, and clinical offerings. Upper-class students at the college register for classes using myUI.
The course lists and further information can be found here.
An overview of all law courses can be found here: Course Catalog - Law
Event Planning
Requests/Reservations - for COL Events + Meetings
- Are you planning an event/meeting? (Taking place in BLB and/or hosted or cosponsored by the COL or a recognized COL student org.) More information is available at this page: Event Planning at BLB
- Ready to request a room AND/OR events calendar listing? Complete the Event Intake Form to get started. (This form can help you request a room or other space inside BLB, including lobby tables, and get your event added to the COL events calendar, including events taking place outside of BLB or virtually.)
- Just want to reserve a room or space inside BLB? You can use this room only form to request a reservation of a space, including lobby tables. (If you also want your event listed on the events calendar or promoted in the weekly COL newsletter, you should use the Event Intake Form above, instead of the room only form.)
Marketing an event?
- For Digital Signage, use the Digital Signage Form. Please allow two business days for processing.
- For social media or web promotion, contact the marketing team at law-marketing@uiowa.edu.
Other Event Resources
- Accessibility. For more information on accessibility please see the University of Iowa's accessibility statement.
- Recording your event: If you are recording your event, you will need to obtain permissions from your presenters. Please have them complete this consent form.
Questions or concerns?
- Contact law-welcome@uiowa.edu.
Exam Information
2024-25 Final Exams
- Examsoft Instructions
- Examplify Instructions for Exam Day
- Fall 2024 Final Exam Schedule
- Exam Instructions to Students (1st memo)
- Exam Instructions to Students (2nd memo)
- Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule
Be sure to read the Examination Policy in the Student Handbook. Any student whose situation matches one of those for which make-ups are allowed under this policy must initiate a request using the request form.
Accommodation Requests
See the Policy on Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (XIV of the Academic Policies and Procedures) and Policy on accommodations for students with limited English proficiency (VII.B. of the Academic Policies and Procedures) in the Student Handbook and Dean Crain’s memo on Accommodations for Disabled Students.
Students wishing to initiate a request for an exam accommodation may do so using the request form.
Field Placement Program
Field Placements (Externships)
Field Placements, also referred to as externships, are one of the College of Law's experiential learning programs. The College recognizes the critical importance of experiential learning in creating opportunities for students to exercise and develop judgment, practical knowledge, professional skills and professional identity. Externships involve the performance of legal tasks in a professional setting. For more information on the Field Placement Program, including important deadlines, please see here.
Types of Placements
Crediting and other frequently asked questions:
Contact Information:
Mattie Francis, Field Placement Program Assistant
Contact for questions concerning:
- Application deadlines, when and where to apply
- General program information
Professor June Tai, Field Placement Program Director
Contact for questions concerning:
- Course selection and academic advising
- Externship application and placement advising
Law Clinic
For more information, eligibility requirements, and directions on how to apply, go to Law Clinic Registration.
To contact the clinic:
- Ashley Peterson ashley-n-peterson@uiowa.edu
- Mishelle Eckland mishelle-eckland@uiowa.edu
Moot Court & Trial Advocacy
The Moot Court Program at Iowa Law offers several opportunities to practice your oral and written advocacy skills. The law school also offers Trial Advocacy and other opportunities.
- What courses do I need to take and in what order?
- Where can I read more about these opportunities?
- Visit Courtroom Advocacy
- Who can I talk to about courtroom advocacy?
Pro Bono Society & Boyd Service Award
Pro Bono Society
The Pro Bono Society is a law student group that emphasizes the importance of public service and volunteerism in the legal profession. In addition, the Pro Bono Society serves as a vehicle to assist law students seeking to earn the Boyd Service Award. Membership is an earned honor that signifies an objectively measured commitment to serving others during the school year, as well as the development of skills and values important to a life of public service in the tradition of pro bono publico.
To obtain membership, students must be enrolled full time at the University of Iowa College of Law, be in good standing, and have completed one semester of coursework. Students also must complete a minimum of 15 Boyd Service Hours per semester, at least 7.5 of which must be Community Hours, and must have attended one program in the Lawyers and Leaders Series in the semester prior to the semester in which they seek to obtain member status. To maintain membership status, students must continue to complete 15 Boyd Service Hours, be on track to earn the Boyd Service Award, and attend one Lawyers and Leaders program each semester. Further information about these requirements is available in the Pro Bono Society Constitution.
The Pro Bono Society Executive Board invites those law students who meet the minimum membership requirements to submit an application for membership. Invitations and applications will be delivered to students following verification of Boyd Service Hours once each semester. Invitations for the semester will be delivered no later than the second week of the following semester. Completed applications must be returned by 5 pm on the second Monday following the issuing of invitations. Membership will be approved by a majority vote of the executive board within two weeks of this application deadline. Members will be notified of their selection by e-mail on or before 5 pm on the Friday following executive board approval.
Boyd Service Award
The Boyd Service Award is a recognition earned by students who show a commitment to community service. It is named for Professor and President Emeritus Willard "Sandy" Boyd. The Boyd Service Award is awarded to law students at the completion of their studies in recognition of service throughout their law school careers. Recipients receive a certificate and wear cords during the graduation ceremony. Receiving the Boyd Service Award is the only way to wear cords at graduation.
Mission Statement
To recognize law students who provide volunteer services to charitable, religious, civic, community, governmental and educational organizations in furtherance of those organizations' missions to improve the community.
The level of distinction is based on the number of volunteer hours completed during a student's entire law school career, with the guidelines as follows:
- Honors: 100 hours total (at least 50 of community service)
- High Honors: 150 hours total (at least 75 of community service)
- Highest Honors: 200 hours (at least 100 of community service)
General Rules
The requirements for the Boyd Service Award are governed by the Pro Bono Society Constitution.
All service hours are divided into two groups: community hours and institutional hours. At least half of the minimum number of required service hours completed must be community hours. Community Hours are those hours which directly benefit recognized community organizations or non-profits, including pro bono projects coordinated by Citizen Lawyer Program. Students may perform community hours, subject to the following restrictions:
- all service must be voluntary, uncompensated, and not compelled.
- this section of service includes political activity, but self-campaigning is excluded.
- this section includes law school-sponsored events that directly benefit recognized community organizations or non-profits (excluding "tabling").
All service hours are recorded via Symplicity.
Research Assistantships
A law research assistant (LRA) position is an opportunity for a law student to work 10 hours per week with a member of the law school faculty. Under current University of Iowa practice, LRAs are entitled to the following benefits: resident tuition, a small stipend, and subsidized health insurance.
Current Openings
12twenty is used to advertise LRA positions. To view current openings, please go to the Student Login for 12twenty. If you are a faculty member seeking to advertise an opening, please go to the Employer Login to 12twenty. Please review the Instructions for LRA Postings in 12twenty for how to post positions.
More information on the assistantship program can be found here.
Summer Grant Program
The Summer Grant Program is designed to ease the financial burden of University of Iowa law students working in unpaid summer positions. For more information see the Summer Grant Program page.
Writing & Academic Success Center
The Writing and Academic Success Center serves as an extension of the classroom and of the first-year Legal Analysis, Writing, and Research Program.
The Center staff meets with students on course assignments, journal articles, writing samples, and the like, providing feedback on organization, clarity, style, citation, and grammar. The Center staff can also refer students to other resources to help them achieve their writing goals.
The Center offers a variety of appointments to meet student needs, including thirty-minute tutoring sessions, drop-in tutoring sessions, and drop-in citation services.
The Center is staffed by Dawn Anderson, Professor of Legal Analysis, Writing & Research and Director of the Writing and Academic Success Center, and four upper-level students trained to give students feedback on their writing. If you have questions, email the Writing Center at law-writingcenter@uiowa.edu.
Visit the Writing & Academic Success Center ICON site to access many writing resources.
Legal Writing Competitions
There are more than 150 legal writing competitions hosted around the country each year. A wide range of companies, organizations, and law schools sponsor these competitions, which usually focus on a particular topic or practice area. Prizes range from cash to travel to publication of the winning papers.
For up-to-date lists of current legal writing competitions, including deadlines and prizes (some upwards of $20,000), visit the following sites:
For many years, the Writing Center has kept track of legal writing competitions around the country, posting them on our website and on the bulletin outside room 480.
At least two websites now provide more extensive portals to the competitions than the Writing Center has been able to compile. iCompete Writing, for example, created and hosted by Suffolk University in Boston, displays the competitions by topic or by the month of the submission deadline. Each entry displays the name of the competition, its deadline, the prizes, and a link to an official page with more information.
Similarly, the Legal Essay Contest Catalog of Richmond School of Law filters by categories, prize amount, and deadline, with convenient links to the various competition websites.
In light of the easy access these sites provide, the Writing Center will step back from compiling our own listing. From time to time, we will feature selected competitions, such as those sponsored by Iowa Law journals. Otherwise, we urge you to visit the sites above to learn about the many legal writing competitions around the country—and the corresponding publication possibilities and prize money.
Useful Links
The following are useful links for writers of legal and non-legal documents alike.
- Blue Book Citation
- Online Dictionary
- Another Dictionary (with grammar and "word of the day")
- Common Errors in English
- Strunk and White Manual
The Writing Resource Center provides helpful handouts on topics such as: Case Synthesis, Memo v. Brief, IRAC, Résumé/Cover Letters, Plagiarism, That/Which, Passive Voice, Top Ten Errors, and the Bluebook. These handouts provide legal writers with excellent information about getting started and writing well.
Director: Dawn Barker Anderson
The center is open 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday–Thursday, and 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Friday throughout the academic year. The Center is located on the fourth floor of the Boyd Law Building in room 480.
By Mail
Writing Resource Center
University of Iowa College of Law
480 BLB
Iowa City, IA 52242
By Phone
By E-mail
Hear the latest updates on everything from building operations to program deadlines, and more!
Attention 3Ls: Are you ready to graduate?
Let us be the first to congratulate you on your upcoming graduation! Your 3L year can be a whirlwind, so let us help you get a head start. Check out our Pre-Graduation Checklist to make sure you are meeting deadlines, and see the Office of the Registrar to request your transcripts.
Planning on taking the Bar Exam? See our Bar Exam page for an overview of the exam, timeline, and exam prep recommendations.