Legal employers expect law graduates to have the knowledge and skills necessary to be competent and ethical lawyers.  In Iowa’s classrooms, law students master legal subjects and practice problem solving, analytical and writing skills.

Equally important to students’ success as professionals is what they learn through practical legal experiences.  Summer internships, a staple of the law school experience, offer students the opportunity to explore legal career options, obtain practical legal skills, and begin developing a network.  The Career Services office works closely with students to secure summer internships that will help launch their careers and meet their long-term career goals.  Students typically intern in a variety of locations and settings throughout the country and even around the world.  

For more information, about summer internships, or to post a summer internship position.

Contact Career Services 

Since the 1970’s, the Iowa Prosecutor Intern Program has provided opportunities for law students to gain courtroom experience and to explore careers in prosecution during the summer after their 2L year.  The Program is a joint effort by the Attorney General of Iowa and the Iowa County Attorneys Association.  Many of the students who have participated in the Prosecutor Intern Program have later become prosecutors.

Prosecutor Internship Program 

In addition to traditional summer internships, there are several experiential learning opportunities at Iowa Law. Students may participate in field placements or externships, volunteer opportunities with government, legal aid and nonprofits, regional and national competitions for moot court, intellectual property, arbitration and trial advocacy, and a high-credit legal clinic where students can represent clients under close faculty supervision in a law firm setting. 

Experiential Learning Opportunities