The University of Iowa College of Law is home to a number of centers and initiatives that play integral roles in advancing the college’s mission of teaching, research, and service. These entities serve as hubs for faculty, staff, and students to engage in focused and sustained work around particular issues.

Iowa Law students have opportunities to take courses offered through some centers and initiatives and contribute to research, policy, and law reform work as research assistants or through pro bono projects.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Karla Olivas story

Center for Human Rights

Promoting and protecting human rights in our communities, across the state, and around the world
Jonathan Picado takes part in an environmental law intersession course at Lake McBride.

Hubbell Environmental Law Initiative

Providing opportunities to engage in environmental law issues in Iowa and beyond
Cyber security graphic to showcase the work of the Innovation, Business and Law Center

Innovation, Business & Law Center

Uniting students, academics, and practitioners in IP, antitrust, and corporate law
A group of nonprofit leaders meet around a large table in a conference room.

Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center

Delivering direct services, education, and research to support current and future nonprofit leaders in Iowa
A woman stands on the roof of a construction project against a blue sky, part of the Labor Center's new training initiative.

Labor Center

Providing educational programs and resources for Iowa's working people and their organizations
Homeless man sits at the bottom of concrete stairs.

Law, Healthy Policy & Disability Center

Focusing on improving the quality of life for persons living with disabilities
A multi-generational family stacks their hands one on top of the other.

National Health Law and Policy Resource Center

Promoting law and public policies that foster and facilitate accessible, affordable and quality health services