The Citizen Lawyer Program exists to advance Iowa Law's teaching and service missions. It is a teaching platform for students to develop the knowledge, values, and skills that are central to law as a professional calling. By offering a wide variety of opportunities for pro bono work, community service, and programs about legal issues, skills, and values, CLP extends students' education beyond the classroom while engaging them directly in the College's mission of public service.

Public Service

Public service is a core value of the legal profession, and lawyers are expected to give back generously to their communities and to promote access to justice. The Citizen Lawyer Program works to instill this value in Iowa Law students, and provides opportunities for students to volunteer with a wide range of organizations, both law-related and non-law-related.

Students stand in front of the sign at the Iowa Bar Assciation.

Pro Bono Projects

Pro Bono Projects are structured, law-related volunteer positions with governmental and non-profit organizations. Students assigned to projects are supervised by attorneys within the organization.

Members of the Citizen Lawyer Program outside of Uptown Bill's Coffee House

Community Service

Students are encouraged to engage in community service opportunities beyond the legal field. CLP facilitates volunteer opportunities for students throughout the year and through organized service events.

The Old Capitol Building at University of Iowa at sunset in the fall.

Pro Bono Society & Awards

CLP helps administer Iowa Law's Pro Bono Society and Boyd Service Award, which promote student volunteerism by recognizing their efforts on a semester basis and at graduation. 

Please note that our program does not provide legal services. State law and ethical considerations generally prohibit law students from providing legal advice or representation except in narrow circumstances under supervision of licensed attorney. Our program coordinates opportunities for law students to volunteer with legal services providers.

Professional Identity Development

One of the missions of the Citizen Lawyer Program is to prepare Iowa Law students for their roles as community leaders by helping them develop their professional skills and learn the values of the profession. This begins at the start of the first year and continues with programs and experiences throughout a student's career, including the Lawyers & Leaders series and Pro Bono Projects. 

The Lawyers & Leaders series offers programs to complement the traditional legal curriculum with workshops, lectures, and other programs that focus on pro bono traditions, leadership development, practical lawyer and life skills, and community issues. All programs are open to all students; attendance at one program each semester is one requirement of the Pro Bono Society. Announcements of upcoming Lawyers & Leaders programs can be found in News & Events.

How Do I Report Service Hours?

For current students looking for information about how to track and report service hours, please visit this link to learn more.


A gray background with a yellow and black network web icon.

Spring 2025 Lawyers & Leaders events

Thursday, February 13, 2025
UIowa brand briefcase icon in yellow on gray background.

Apply now to join the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Help provide free tax preparation to low income families, persons with disabilities, older adults, and those with limited English proficiency. Opportunities are available for volunteers at all knowledge levels—no prior experience needed!

CLP Events

OWLSS Spring Conference (L&L)

Monday, March 31, 2025 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Boyd Law Building
Join OWLSS for our spring conference! We are going to hear from professors as well as practitioners how to bring your own style and personality into professional work attire. These panelists are going to share their own stories about challenges and triumphs they have faced while trying to be fashionable in the legal profession.

From Vicarious Trauma to Vicarious Resilience: Strategies for Sustaining Legal Careers under Tough Circumstances (L&L)

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 12:40pm to 1:45pm
Boyd Law Building
​​​​​Please join Professor Hope Metcalf in this interactive session that addresses how lawyers working in high-trauma fields - ranging from family law to criminal law to international human rights - can sustain vibrant and meaningful careers. This event is designated as a Lawyers & Leaders event. Attendance at one Lawyers & Leaders event each semester is one requirement for membership in the Pro Bono Society.