Many law firms offer fellowships or scholarships to law students. These are excellent opportunities for students to work as summer associates in either their 1L or 2L summer, gain real world experience, build connections within the firm, and all in addition to receiving funds to help offset the costs of law school.

The Office of Career Services strongly encourages all interested students to apply regardless of the "name" or "title" of the opportunity.

The list of firms offering these opportunities is always growing. It can be found in 12twenty under our Resource Library. We encourage you to view this list as a starting point for your research. As you are reviewing the websites of firms you are interested in, always be sure to check whether they offer a fellowship/scholarship.

Who are the firms looking for? Make your argument, counselor! If you believe you can bring a unique perspective to the firm that will help them better serve their clients, then tell them so, and tell them why. 

As you dig into the links in 12twenty, you will see that most of these opportunities request applicants to submit an essay (or two) addressing the unique perspective they will bring to the firm and how they will advocate for others within the firm, as well as firm clients.

Best of luck and please reach out to your Career Services advisor with any questions.