Learning outcomes for the JD degree include competency in the following:

Outcome 1: Apply key concepts of substantive and procedural law to assess legal matters, pursue specific outcomes, or resolve problems

  • L2-3: Identify and apply key concepts of procedural and substantive law

  • L2-3: Recognize the role of law, courts, and political  institutions in public policy

  • L1-2: Understand the structure and foundational principles of the American legal system

  • L1-2: Use sources and authorities to determine the likely outcome of a legal question

Outcome 2: Communicate legal principles and analyses effectively in writing and orally to a range of audiences

  • L2-3: Present information orally in a well-reasoned and organized manner, which demonstrates strategic choices about form, content, and tone
  • L1-3: Write documents that are well-reasoned, organized, and reflect strategic choices about audience and circumstances
  • L1: Synthesize legal authorities into a logical framework for analysis
  • L1-2: Provide appropriate attribution to legal authorities in communications
  • L1-3: Use legal research strategies to identify relevant research materials

Outcome 3: Conduct oneself according to the moral, ethical, and professional responsibilities of lawyers to clients, the profession, the legal system, and society

  • L2-3: Demonstrate ethical and professional judgment in the representation of clients and communications with third parties
  • L2-3: Recognize the convergence and divergence of personal values, professional values, and ethical and professional standards, in order to apply them to professional dilemmas and conflicts
  • L2-3: Articulate the relationship between personal and professional values
  • L1-2: Identify the sources of moral, ethical, and professional standards that govern lawyers
  • L1-2: Demonstrate the ability to have critical and respectful conversations and engagements with peers, professors, and staff

Outcome 4: Develop professional skills needed for competent and sustainable participation as a member of the legal profession

  • L2-3: Cultivate a professional identity that reflects and builds on the student’s personal and professional choices
  • L2-3: Employ reflective practices to increase awareness of self and others, and to improve performance
  • L1-2: Build collaborative relationships with others, recognize difference, and respectfully manage conflict

Adopted in compliance with ABA Standard 302 by the Faculty of the University of Iowa College of Law on October 21, 2021.