Justin Rempe awarded prestigious fellowship and will be headed to the United Mine Workers of America to advance workplace justice
Monday, June 3, 2024

Philadelphia, PA, May 2024 - Justin Rempe from University of Iowa College of Law has been awarded a Peggy Browning Fund fellowship in workplace justice advocacy. The application process is highly competitive, and the award is a tribute to Justin’s outstanding qualifications.

Justin Rempe (J.D. candidate, 2025) will be at United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) in Triangle, VA. Justin grew up in a union family in rural southern Iowa. As a child, Justin witnessed his widowed mother struggle to make ends meet while working two minimum-wage jobs. This experience was critical in forming his sense of class consciousness. Justin’s passion for fighting injustice and inequality was further focused while serving as an AmeriCorps justice advocate with Iowa Legal Aid’s Hotline for Older Iowans. 

On campus, Justin continues to volunteer his time with the Iowa Supreme Court’s Access-to-Justice Commission. During his 1L summer, he was honored to work and contribute to the Iowa Civil Rights  Commission as a legal intern. Justin is excited to join the United Mine Workers of America this summer and looks forward to deepening his knowledge of how to leverage the law to fight for worker justice.

This year, the Peggy Browning Fund announced 117 law students were accepted into their nationwide fellowship program, the largest cohort in our history. Securing a Peggy Browning Fellowship is a challenging process, with over 3,950 applications for the 2024 program. 

As the country continues to face unprecedented challenges to workers’ rights, the fight for workplace justice has never been more pressing. Labor needs lawyers and we are inspired by the passion and dedication this year’s Fellows bring to the movement.

These Fellows are distinguished students who have not only excelled in law school but who have also demonstrated their commitment to workers’ rights through their previous educational, organizing, work, volunteer, and personal experiences.