Ann Laquer Estin
Professor Estin focus was primarily in family law and international family law. As a member of the International Society of Family Law, she served as an expert observer at the Hague Conference on Private International Law in connection with several of the Hague Children’s Conventions.
Before joining the University of Iowa faculty in 1999, Professor Estin taught at the University of Colorado School of Law. She was also a law clerk for Judge Zita L. Weinshienk of the United States District Court for the District of Colorado, and practiced law at Bender & Treece, a litigation firm in Denver.
Her recent writing includes the International Family Law Deskbook (2012), a reader on The Multi-Cultural Family (2008) and Global Issues in Family Law (with Barbara Stark) (2007).
Professor Estin also teaches Contracts and Federal Indian Law, and serves as a pro bono consultant on professional responsibility issues for the Native American Rights Fund.
Research and Teaching:
- Family Law
- International and Comparative Family Law
- British Legal System
- Federal Indian Law
- Contracts
Awards and Honors:
- UI Global Scholar Award, 2009-2011
- Colorado Bar
- Iowa Bar
- Member, American Law Institute