Sean Sullivan
Professor Sean Sullivan joined the faculty of the College of Law in 2017. His research focuses on foundational topics in antitrust and evidence law—things like why we can infer market power from market shares and what it means for a jury to find the truth of a disputed fact. He also studies markets, negotiation, and decision making using tools of experimental economics.
Before joining the faculty, Professor Sullivan served as an antitrust attorney at the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, DC. His practice focused primarily on the review and litigation of mergers in technology and commodity-chemical spaces.
In addition to law, Professor Sullivan holds advanced degrees in economics and statistics. He is a senior editor of the (peer reviewed) Antitrust Law Journal. He is also a researcher and administrator at the VeconLab Experimental Economics Laboratory at the University of Virginia.
Recent publications include:
- The Decline of Coordinated Effects Enforcement and How to Reverse It (with D. Sokol), Fla. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024)
- The 2023 U.S. Merger Guidelines – A Review (Sean Sullivan ed., 2024)
- Against Efforts to Simplify Antitrust, 49 J. Corp. L. 419 (2024)
- Antitrust Time Travel: Entry & Potential Competition (with H. Su), 85 Antitrust L.J. (2023)
- Modular Market Definition, 55 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1091 (2021)
- The Logic of Market Definition (with D. Glasner), Antitrust L.J. (2020)
- Insincere Evidence (with M. Gilbert), 105 Va. L. Rev. (2019)
Practice and Teaching:
- Evidence
- Antitrust Law
- Law and Economics
- Contracts