In celebration of Halloween, our law librarians selected a list of the scariest book in the Law Library. It is advised you put on a book jacket for the chills of reading the scary book list...
COVID-19: the legal challenges

by Stephen Dycus and Eugene R. Fidell, eds.
Law Library KF3803.C68 C68 2021
This volume contains essays by experts in national security and related fields to address the many dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bloodstain Patterns: identification, interpretation and application

by Anita Y. Wonder
Law Library HV8077.5.B56 W66 2015
Not for the faint of heart, this book covers arterial damage pattern identification, staging of crime scenes, legal applications and training.
The Astronomer & the Witch: Johannes Kepler’s fight for his mother

by Ulinka Rublack
Law Library Stacks KK270.7 .K46 R82 2015
In 1620, Johannes Kepler left his position as a mathematician in Linz and traveled almost 300 miles away to defend his mother from charges of witchcraft.
The Laws relating to Burials: with notes, forms & practical

by T. Baker
Law Library Rare Book (Special Collection) KD3365 .A3 1882
A book from the UK, this book includes several statutes on the subject of burial law, as well as the Scotch and Irish acts.
The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books: Christopher Columbus, his

son, and the quest to build the world’s greatest library
by Edward Wilson-Lee
Law Library Stacks Z989 .C7535 W55 2019
A tale of the life of the son of Cristóbal Colón (known to us as Christopher Columbus), Hernando Colón, who was obsessed with assembling the largest collection of books in the world. An interesting review of the book is in the New York Times.
The Monster: how a gang of predatory lenders and Wall Street bankers fleeced

American—and spawned a global crisis
by Michael Hudson
Law Library Stacks HG2040.5.U5 H843 2010
A true-crime exposé on the rise and fall of subprime mortgage lenders Ameriquest and Lehman Brothers and the 2007-2008 global financial crisis.
The Silence of the Lambs

by Thomas Harris
Law Library Stacks Fiction PS3558 .A6558 S5 1988
The basis for the movie starring Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins, young FBI trainee Clarice Starling seeks help from imprisoned Dr. Hannibal Lecter to catch the serial killer “Buffalo Bill.”
Cryptographic Crimes: the use of cryptography in real and fictional

by Marcel Danesi
Law Library Stacks HV6211 .D36 2017
This book examines the uses of cryptography in both real and fictional crimes. It includes the Zodiac Killer as well as writings by Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle.