From Nigeria to Iowa Law, Ralph (Ejike) Arumah’s legal journey was set into motion early in his education.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Beginning in elementary school and throughout his middle and high school years, those in Ralph's inner circle sensed something special about him. Gifted in academics, particularly in reading and writing, he earned the nickname "Spokesman" among teachers and peers.

"Reading and writing were my strengths, and I could really articulate my thoughts as a child," says Ralph. "I found joy in advocating for my friends, stepping in when they faced challenges with their parents or at school. It felt natural to use my abilities to help others."

As he matured, Ralph began contemplating his future career. The inspiration struck when he observed his father's friend, a lawyer with a rich vocabulary.

"As a teenager, my dad's friend, who was a lawyer, impressed me with his use of big words. I thought, 'I want to be like him because he can speak English,'" says Ralph. "I thought about how my reading and writing skills could transition to the field of law, and that's when I decided to pursue a legal career."

Ralph's academic journey unfolded at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where he earned his Bachelor of Laws in 2016. Subsequently, he secured his Barrister at Law certificate from Nigerian Law School in 2017. Despite two fulfilling years as an Associate Attorney in Nigeria, Ralph felt a void.

"While in Nigeria, I read about monumental deals in America, such as those involving Fortune 500 companies. I aspired to be part of such transactions, so I decided to move to America and further my education," explains Ralph.

In 2020, Ralph achieved his Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of Illinois College of Law. This marked the beginning of his professional journey as a law clerk and later as an appeals hearing officer. However, Ralph realized that to reach his dream career in Big Law, he needed to conquer a significant hurdle – the bar exam in the United States.

For foreign-trained lawyers, navigating the U.S. bar exam is challenging. Many states mandate a J.D. degree from a U.S. law school, posing a considerable barrier. Yet, undeterred, Ralph opted for New York, where the process proved more accessible for international lawyers with foreign credentials.

"I knew it would be a lengthy process, but I chose New York because it's more accommodating for international lawyers. Once I submitted my transcript from Nigerian law school, I could take the bar exam," Ralph says.

June 2023 marked a pivotal moment for Ralph as he was sworn into the State Bar of New York, officially earning the title of a licensed attorney in NY. His journey didn't end after he passed the bar exam; still driven by an unwavering ambition, Ralph decided to take his qualifications further by pursuing a JD program.

"At Iowa Law, the Advanced Standing program was the perfect fit for me. After law school in Nigeria and an LLM at the University of Illinois, the two-year program offered by Iowa Law was ideal," says Ralph.

The Advanced Standing program at Iowa Law provides foreign-trained lawyers an accelerated path to a JD, condensing the traditional six-semester program into four. However, it was more than the program’s efficiency that drew Ralph to Iowa Law.

"The success of Iowa Law alumni was a major factor for me. I noticed many graduates securing prominent positions, and the school's commitment to assisting students and providing resources for job placement impressed me," Ralph says. "Witnessing the accomplishments of my senior colleagues sealed the deal."

Set to graduate from Iowa Law in December 2024, Ralph envisions a career in transactional law. His interest in this field stems from the vibrant trade economy in Africa, a fascination that has grown during his academic exploration in Iowa.

"Transactional law has always intrigued me, but the Emerging Companies class at Iowa Law grew my interest. It encompasses all aspects of corporate law. I’ve been able to envision starting my own company from scratch, navigating regulations, compliance, and finances," shares Ralph.

Beyond academics, Ralph says it’s the people who have enriched his experience at Iowa Law. Classmates, particularly those from Nigeria, have provided crucial support during the challenging law school journey.

"I cherish my classmates, especially those from Nigeria. Navigating law school and dealing with tuition was tough. Having people who understand my background and can offer support during difficult times is invaluable," acknowledges Ralph. "Friends like Lex and Alex have made a positive impact on my law school experience, especially during the job search process. We always encourage each other, saying things like, 'If I can do it, you can do it too.”

Lex Dosunmu, who also grew up in Nigeria and received his LLM degree at the University of Illinois, shares a unique bond with Ralph, understanding the challenges Ralph has overcome on a personal level. Much like Ralph, Lex cherishes his invaluable friendships at Iowa Law.

“Ralph has been a great support to me in several ways. Our friendship, most importantly, has helped to foster the right kind of mindset, focus, and mental stability required to navigate the academic rigors of law school,” says Lex. “Just knowing that you’re in this together with someone with whom you share similar career goals, similar barriers to success, and similar ambition to make it against all odds is more support than any words can quantify. We have each other to talk to on demand and to share not just academic concerns with but also life’s twists and turns and everyday challenges.”

Alex Okafor, another close friend of Ralph, resonates with Lex’s appreciation for Ralph’s support throughout their law school journey.

“My relationship with Ralph has been very impactful, and we have grown to be more like brothers,” says Alex. “Ralph supported me during my OCI application and interviews as he connected me with colleagues who shared tips with me on some law firms I was interested in before I finally got an offer.”

In addition to his invaluable friendships, Ralph extends his gratitude to the professors at Iowa Law, with special acknowledgment to Dean Wing, whom he serves as a research assistant.

"Dean Wing is not just a supervisor; she is someone I genuinely care about. As a minority, her encouragement and support have been ongoing. I've learned a lot beyond the field of law from her," Ralph says.

Dean Wing reciprocates the admiration. “Ralph is a very thoughtful and inquisitive student. All his skills will serve him well in big law in the United States and abroad,” she says.

After years of attending school alongside Ralph, Lex echoes Dean Wing’s unwavering confidence in Ralph's future success.

Ralph is one of the smartest, innovative, resourceful, diligent, and conscientious people I know. I am without any doubt that his talent and creativity, people skills, and ability to network with others and cultivate great relationships with people from diverse backgrounds will stand him out in practice among his peers wherever he may find himself within corporate America.”

As Ralph continues his academic journey, he reflects on the significance of cultural awareness, especially during Black History Month.

"Black History Month is a new experience for me. In Nigeria, I never felt like a minority because everyone is black. But here, being in the mix of different cultures, I understand the significance of celebrating black history," says Ralph.

Although Black History Month is new for Ralph, he appreciates Iowa Law's commitment to cultural recognition.

"Coming from Nigeria, I never understood the concept of intersectionality and how it has negatively impacted the confidence of black Americans in pursuing their dreams,” he says. “In Nigeria, there are only black lawyers, there are only black doctors. When I first came to the United States, I felt like I had to find my own place. Growing up, I never witnessed my parents having to do that because they were like everyone else. Now, I strive to understand that perspective, and celebrating Black History Month here at Iowa Law provides the perfect opportunity."

Through his experiences, Ralph imparts a valuable message to incoming law students with a similar background: "Don't rush. Pursue a JD when you feel confident and have gathered the resources. It's okay to seek help when needed. Law school is stressful for everyone, and having a supportive network makes a world of difference."