Our JD program is designed to build your knowledge base through the study of legal doctrine and experiential opportunities. And because we’re a smaller program, you’ll find our faculty and staff are invested in your growth over time.  

In your first year, you’ll build a strong foundation in legal thinking and writing. As a second- and third-year student, you can focus on the areas of law that interest you the most. You can take what you know into a wide range of legal settings through internships, externships, and study-beyond-campus programs.

To learn more about how to apply to the program:  

JD Apply


Applicants for admission to the University of Iowa College of Law must complete all requirements for the baccalaureate degree before beginning law school. In addition, the baccalaureate degree must be earned from an undergraduate institution that is accredited by an agency recognized by the Department of Education.

Iowa strongly endorses three basic objectives recommended by a committee of the Association of American Law Schools: education for comprehension and expression in words; education for a critical understanding of the human institutions and value with which the law deals; and education for greater power in thinking. Anyone thinking of attending law school should keep these objectives in mind while planning an undergraduate course of study.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes for the JD degree include competency in the following:

1.  Identifying and applying the foundational concepts of civil procedure, constitutional law, contracts, criminal law, property, torts, and understanding the manner in which the law, both statutory and judge-made, changes.

2.  Identifying and applying key concepts from a range of other areas of law not taught in courses required by the law school, but generally understood to be among those considered important for the practice of law.

3.  Understanding the structure of the American legal system.

1.  Identifying legal rules within legal authorities.

2.  Synthesizing legal rules of law into a logical framework for analysis.

3.  Using legal authorities to determine the likely outcome of a case.

4.  Identifying and using relevant research materials and providing proper attribution to them.

5.  Writing documents that follow the requirements of form and are appropriate to the circumstances.

6.  Speaking in a clear, well-reasoned, organized manner that is appropriate to the audience and the circumstances.

1.  Identifying the ethical considerations, disciplinary standards, and laws that govern the practice of law.

2.  Applying the knowledge of professional ethics to the representation of clients and the resolution of ethical and other professional dilemmas.

3.  Understanding the professional and ethical responsibilities of lawyers to the legal system, clients, the profession, and society.

1.  Using self-reflection on professional experiences and identifying the ability to use self-reflection to improve performance.

2.  Spotting relevant legal issues in a fact-pattern.

3.  Analyzing a legal issue of a student's choosing in a manner that meets the upper level writing requirements for graduation.

Adopted in compliance with ABA Standard 302 by the Faculty of the University of Iowa College of Law on April 28, 2016.