Articles from 2024

Robert Miller quoted in Law360

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Ralph Arumah

Student Spotlight: Ralph Arumah’s inspiring path to Big Law

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
"Reading and writing were my strengths, and I could really articulate my thoughts as a child," says Ralph. "I found joy in advocating for my friends, stepping in when they faced challenges with their parents or at school. It felt natural to use my abilities to help others."
Alexis Jones

Student Spotlight: Alexis Jones and her pursuit of diversity in law

Friday, February 16, 2024
Alexis Jones' commitment to social justice and community-building serves as a testament to her promising future in the legal field.
The Boyd Law Building on a sunny day with a yellow heart graphic overlayed on top for valentine's day.

Finding Love in Law: Alums share their stories and best advice

Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Students come to Iowa Law with the expectation of earning a top-notch law degree but don't always expect to find their perfect match or best friend. Through classroom interactions as 1Ls to attending the same study groups or working on a grueling case in the Legal Clinic, lasting relationships are formed.