Friday, September 13, 2024

The University of Iowa College of Law is pleased to announce impressive results for graduates on the Iowa Bar Exam. For the July 2024 bar exam, Iowa Law graduates achieved an exceptional 98% first-time passage rate, with 53 out of 54 first-time test takers successfully passing.

According to Iowa Law’s Dean Kevin Washburn, these results are a testament to the rigorous academic preparation and comprehensive support Iowa Law provides.

“This outcome was no accident,” said Washburn. “Following difficult outcomes during the pandemic, we implemented a plan to make improvements. That plan, spearheaded primarily by Professor Dawn Anderson, included a holistic approach that included curricular and programmatic improvements across our program of legal education.”

The strategy involved a series of innovative programs and changes designed to support students from their first year to the bar exam. Some notable initiatives include the “Tuesday Talk About It” series focusing on 1L students, the 1L Academic Success Workshop, and a bar preparation course for third-year students that saw significant student enrollment. Iowa Law also enhanced the Writing and Academic Success Center, a re-envisioning of the former Writing Center led by Professor Dawn Anderson.

Dean Washburn highlighted the collaborative effort behind this accomplishment, stating it took time for the reforms to take effect, but the patience and holistic approach of faculty and staff have paid off. “Every member of this community should be very gratified that we are doing so well by our students and recent graduates,” Washburn added.

This remarkable bar passage rate reflects Iowa Law’s commitment to academic excellence and student success. Known as the “Writing Law School,” Iowa Law has produced outstanding employment numbers, including for judicial clerkships, and has produced strong bar passage results in numerous jurisdictions across the nation.