Bethany Berger

Professor of Law
Alan D. Vestal Professor of Law

Bethany Berger—one of the nation’s foremost experts in federal Indian Law, widely read scholar of Property Law, and legal historian—began her appointment as Alan D. Vestal Professor of Law in 2024.


Berger is co-author of American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary, the leading casebook in American Indian Law, co-author and Editorial Board member of the foundational treatise in the field, Felix S. Cohen’s Handbook of Federal Indian Law, and is co-author of Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices, the primary casebook in the field of Property Law.

Berger’s articles, book chapters, and other writings have appeared in the Michigan Law Review, California Law Review, UCLA Law Review, and the Duke Law Journal, among numerous other publications. Her work has been excerpted and discussed in many casebooks and edited collections, as well as in briefs to the Supreme Court and testimony before Congress. She has given more than 120 invited presentations at law schools, universities, conferences, and symposia nationwide. She was elected to membership of the American Law Institute in 2014.

Berger earned her law degree from Yale Law School in 1996, having graduated with Phi Beta Kappa honors from Wesleyan University in 1990. She began her professional academic career at the Connecticut School of Law before joining the Wayne State University Law School. 

In 2006, Berger joined the faculty at the Connecticut School of Law as the Wallace Stevens Professor of Law. Berger has also served several appointments at Harvard Law School as the visiting Oneida Indian Nation Professor. From 2005-2011, she served as Judge for the Southwest Inter-Tribal Court of Appeals, which covered several tribes in the southwestern United States.

Prior to her academic career, Berger served the Navajo and Hopi Nations as Director of the Native American Youth Law Project of DNA-People’s Legal Services, where she conducted litigation challenging discrimination against Indian children, drafted and secured the passage of tribal laws affecting children, and helped to create a Navajo alternative-to-detention program. She was also Managing Attorney of Advocates for Children of New York, where she worked on impact litigation and policy reform concerning the rights of children in public education. 

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Research areas
  • Federal Indian Law
  • Property Law
Bethany Berger Headshot
BA, Wesleyan University, 1990
JD, Yale University, 1996