Our faculty are famous for having equally strong commitments to teaching and to undertaking scholarship that matters. In fact, the Iowa Law faculty is nationally recognized for its scholarly productivity and well-known for its interdisciplinary interests. A number of faculty members have Ph.D.s, and the faculty publishes regularly in history, social science, and general humanities journals as well as traditional law reviews.
Our faculty list includes those temporarily away on visits to other institutions, on reduced teaching loads, and on phased retirement. Separately listed are members with emeritus status; adjunct and visiting faculty who are scheduled to teach during the academic year, or have taught during the previous two academic years and are expected to have a continuing relationship with Iowa Law; and our courtesy faculty who hold complimentary appointments at the College of Law.
Full-time Faculty

Todd Pettys

Samantha Barbas

Dawn Barker Anderson

Bethany Berger

Christina Bohannan

Jonathan C. Carlson

Andrew Crouse

Mihailis Diamantis

Diane Lourdes Dick

Bram Elias

Stella Burch Elias

Brian Farrell

Daria Fisher Page

Lorraine Gaynor

Josephine Gittler

Megan Graham

Andy Grewal

Alison Guernsey

Emily Hughes

Andrew Jordan

Mary M. Ksobiech

Christopher Liebig

Marc Linder

Kate Melloy Goettel

Hope Metcalf

Robert T. Miller

Anya Prince

Jason Rantanen

Shannon Roesler

César F. Rosado Marzán

Ryan T. Sakoda

Leonard A. Sandler

Lorie Schweer

Caroline Sheerin

Gregory H. Shill

Vinita R. Singh

Sean Sullivan

June Tai

Cristina Tilley

James Toomey

Lea VanderVelde

Carissa Vogel

Kevin K. Washburn

Amy Weismann

Jill Wieber Lens

Adrien Wing

Joseph Yockey
Affiliated Faculty

Anthony Gaughan

Linda Kerber

Rishab Nithyanand, Ph.D.

Louise Seamster

Ahmed E. Souaiaia

Visiting and Adjunct Faculty

Mark A. Albright

Dave Bright

Jo Butterfield

Don Ford

N. William Hines

Terry Jacobs

The Honorable John A. Jarvey

Ellen L. Jones

Eileen Kamerick

Amy Koopmann

Sheldon F. Kurtz

Kate Mueting

Stephanie Patridge

Peter Persaud

Elisabeth Reynoldson

Retired and Emeriti Faculty

Patricia Nassif Acton

Gail Agrawal

John S. Allen

Patrick B. Bauer

Arthur E. Bonfield

Patricia A. Cain

Ann Laquer Estin

Thomas P. Gallanis

N. William Hines

Herbert Hovenkamp

Nicholas Johnson

Carolyn Jones

Sheldon F. Kurtz

Paul M. Neuhauser

Mark J. Osiel